The European Reminiscence Network
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Details of past seminars, conferences & events:


International Conference of the European Reminiscence Network: Dublin 2nd & 3rd May 2019

For further details, email Karen Meenan at or Pam Schweitzer at


2017 Conference: 'Remembering Yesterday, Caring Today':

The inspiring international project “Remembering Yesterday, Caring Today” (RYCT) celebrates its 20th year of delivering Reminiscence in Dementia Care at a Conference in Greenwich, London:

16th & 17th November 2017

For further details, download flyer: PDF


International workshop
'Remembering the past: Building the future':

An International workshop on Reminiscence Arts was held, including lectures and theatre presentations

9th December 2016 at 10am – 5pm

For further details, download flyer: PDF or Word document

Memory Grand Challenge: Exploring links between reminiscence in dementia care and oral history

The above seminar was held at the University of Greenwich on Thursday 13th October 2016 | Time: 3pm – 6pm

Over the last three years, key members of the Oral History Society have participated in the new Training and Apprenticeship scheme in Reminiscence in Dementia Care. They have worked with older people with dementia and their family carers revisiting the key stages in their lives using creative arts-based approaches in order to support the sense of identity and self-worth of the participants.

The results of this work have been significant for the families involved and were discussed at the seminar by key speakers.

For further details, download the OHS flyer: PDF or Word document


Training Course and Apprenticeship Scheme in Reminiscence Arts in Dementia Care Pam Schweitzer received the Lifetime Achievement Award of the 5th National Dementia Care Awards

The awards ceremony was held on November 11th 2014 at the 2014 UK Dementia Congress at the Hilton Hotel Metropole in Brighton.

The Judges said: "Pam was chosen because of her passion for creating fun and re-igniting love and a sense of cohesiveness for couples and individuals living with dementia. Pam has been an inspirational leader through her internationally recognised reminiscence networks, publications, training & resources."

Attachment, memory loss and ageing - Conference presented by The Bowlby Centre Attachment, memory loss and ageing - Conference presented by The Bowlby Centre

This conference was held on Saturday 20th September 2014 at The Institute of Child Health, London

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